Thursday, November 28, 2019

Arcadia Essays - Arcadia, Walt Disney Theatrical, Irrationality

Arcadia Essays - Arcadia, Walt Disney Theatrical, Irrationality Arcadia Throughout the play Arcadia by Tom Stoppard there is a distinct difference between the characters who have a science background and those who do not. One of the recurring themes is that those characters and actions of those characters which are against science often lead to conflict and disaster. Even those characters that are of logical thinking for the most part are prone to disaster when they let go of this rational thinking and give in to their irrational side. Bernard is a main character who is not a scientist and has basically no scientific background. From the moment he is introduced, he is portrayed as eccentric and odd. Here Bernard is described for the first time: Bernard, the visitor, wears a suit and tie. His tendency is to dress flamboyantly but he has damped it down for the occasion, slightly. A peacock-coloured display handkerchief boils over is his breast pocket. (73) The term flamboyant refers to his ornate and rather bold outfit and personality. He is dressed differently than most other characters and behaves much different as well. He is as well one of the most irrational characters of the play. Bernard and his constant need to be successful and famous lead him to disaster. Throughout the play he acts with little regard to the truth. He rarely looks to proof when coming up with ideas and theories. He feels that if there is the slightest proof that he is correct then he is able to tell everyone it is the truth. He completely disregards the logical way of thinking that theories can be proven wrong. He never takes the time to see if his theories can be proven wrong. Here Hannah shows her dismay with Bernards irrational behavior: You havent established it was fought. You havent established it was Byron. For Gods sake, Bernard, you havent established Byron was even there. (50) Hannah tries to tell Bernard that he hasnt discovered enough evidence to publish his theory. Bernard although believes she is incorrect. He feels that all you need is your own instincts to lead you to the truth. Bernard displays this here: By which I mean belief in yourself. Gut instinct. The part of you which doesnt reason. The certainty for which there is no back-reference. (50) Bernard is responding the quote by Hannah above. Here Bernard is exemplifying perfectly his idea about how his theories are founded. He uses the words gut instinct and certainty for which there is not back which shows how he doesnt need hard evidence to prove things. He feels his own personal view is enough to make something real. He has no concept of the regular, logical format of backing up theories with evidence. Instead he relies on nothing but himself. And no matter how irrational his ideas are his feeling is that if your gut tells you its the truth then you should go with it. He also refers to his way of thinking as the part of you which doesnt reason showing how irrational he really is. Hes admitting that sometimes no reasoning is needed in proving something. To most this seems completely foreign and quite illogical. Bernard, although, finds this to be the normal way of thinking. Later in the play Bernard is shown once again to be completely irrational. After Bernard makes his argument that Mr. Chater was killed in a duel with Lord Byron and this was the reason Byron left. Hannah reacts to this theory by saying, Bernard, I dont know why Im bothering-youre arrogant, greedy, and reckless. Youve gone from a glint in your eye to a sure thing in a hop, skip, and a jump. (59) Hannah reveals her disapproval of Bernards attitude and aggressive approach to everything. His attitude is described as arrogant and reckless, proving how little regard for logic he has. She also says, Youve left out everything which doesnt fit. (59) Hannah describes how Bernard has chosen only information which has helped his case and left all other out. She is saying that Bernard ignores the information which disproves his theory and only focuses on that which does prove it. This is completely unscientific and illogical if you want to have limited doubt in your theory.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Vinland Sagas - Viking Colonization of North America

Vinland Sagas - Viking Colonization of North America The Vinland Sagas are four medieval Viking manuscripts that report (among other things) the stories of the Norse colonization of Iceland, Greenland and North America. These stories speak of Thorvald Arvaldson, credited with the Norse discovery of Iceland; Thorvalds son Eirik the Red for Greenland, and Eiriks son Leif (the Lucky) Eiriksson for Baffin Island and North America. But Are the Sagas Accurate? Like any historical document, even those known to be authentic, the sagas are not necessarily factual. Some of them were written hundreds of years after the events; some of the stories were woven together into legends; some of the stories were written for political uses of the day or to highlight heroic events and downplay (or omit) not-so-heroic events. For example, the sagas describe the end of the colony on Greenland as having been the result of European piracy and ongoing battles between the Vikings and the Inuit occupants, called by the Vikings Skraelings. Archaeological evidence indicates that the Greenlanders also faced starvation and deteriorating climate, which is not reported in the sagas. For a long time, scholars dismissed the sagas as literary fabrications. But others such as Gisli Sigurdsson, have revisited the manuscripts to find a historical core that can be tied to Viking explorations of the 10th and 11th centuries. The written-down version of the stories are the result of centuries of oral traditions, during which the story may have been conflated with other heroic legends. But, there is, after all, accumulated archaeological evidence for Norse occupations in Greenland, Iceland, and the North American continent. Vinland Saga Discrepancies There are also discrepancies between the various manuscripts. Two major documents- the Greenlanders Saga and Eirik the Reds Saga- give differing roles to Leif and the merchant Thorfinn Karlsefni. In the Greenlanders Saga, lands southwest of Greenland are said to have been discovered accidentally by Bjarni Herjolfsson. Leif Eriksson was the chieftain of the Norse on Greenland, and Leif is given credit for exploring the lands of Helluland (probably Baffin Island), Markland (Treeland, likely the heavily wooded Labrador coast) and Vinland (probably what is southeasternern Canada); Thorfinn has a minor role. In Eirik the Reds Saga, Leifs role is downplayed. He is dismissed as the accidental discoverer of Vinland; and the explorer/leadership role is given to Thorfinn. Eirik the Reds Saga was written in the 13th century when one of Thorfinns descendants was being canonized; it may be, say some historians, propaganda by this mans supporters to inflate his ancestors role in the momentous discoveries. Historians have a fine time decoding such documents. Viking Sagas about Vinland About the Book of the Icelanders (à slendingabà ³k), written between 1122 and 1133 (Smithsonian)Text of the Icelandic Sagas (NorthVegr)Text of Eirik the Reds Saga, written about 1265 (Medieval History, the Saga of the Greenlanders, compiled ~13th century (Smithsonian) Arnold, Martin. 2006. Atlantic Explorations and Settlements, pp. 192-214 in The Vikings, Culture and Conquest. Hambledon Continuum, London. Wallace, Birgitta L. 2003. L’Anse aux Meadows and Vinland: An Abandoned Experiment. Pp. 207-238 in Contact, Continuity, and Collapse: The Norse Colonization of the North Atlantic, edited by James H. Barrett. Brepols Publishers: Trunhout, Belgium. Sources and Further information The woodcut on this page is not from the Vinland sagas, but from another Viking saga, Erik Bloodaxes Saga. It shows Erik Bloodaxes widow Gunnhild Gormsdà ³ttir inciting her sons to take possession of Norway; and it was published in Snorre Sturlassonss Heimskringla in 1235. About.coms Guide to the Viking Age Hofstaà °ir, Viking settlement on Iceland Gardur, Viking estate in Greenland LAnse aux Meadows, Viking settlement in Canada Arnold, Martin. 2006. Atlantic Explorations and Settlements, pp. 192-214 in The Vikings, Culture and Conquest. Hambledon Continuum, London. Wallace, Birgitta L. 2003. L’Anse aux Meadows and Vinland: An Abandoned Experiment. Pp. 207-238 in Contact, Continuity, and Collapse: The Norse Colonization of the North Atlantic, edited by James H. Barrett. Brepols Publishers: Trunhout, Belgium.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Labor Relations Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Labor Relations Paper - Essay Example The labor unions have benefited the organizations as well, even though they are perceived in a very wrong manner at times. There are issues that need to be resolved as far as the organizational understanding is concerned. What remains to be seen is the fact whether or not the labor unions were able to garner support from the different quarters, i.e. for the ones that already exist in the first place. The need of the hour is such that these labor unions bring together positive relations which will eventually mean success for the organizational discourse and tie in the employees with the nuances of the organizational philosophy. If there is an attitude of being indifferent towards the labor unions and the labor relations that come up as a result of the same, then this means that there is a storm which is waiting to dawn upon the organizational tenets and, thus, it would be a good idea to resolve such ambiguities beforehand, so that the organizational understandings are not compromised upon under any situation whatsoever (Robinson, 1990). Therefore, the labor relations need to be properly comprehended before one can remark them as being fruitful for the organization or completely dismal in their own right. Since the labor relations are directly related to the organizational performance tenets, there is a good enough basis of finding out how these two are linked in essence. What this implies is the fact that organizational performance depends a great deal on how well the employees tie in with each other and discuss issues which plague their lives in one way or the other. Some of the workers believe in labor unions while a number of them are totally against this very idea. They are of the opinion that these labor relations would not bring any harmony within their ranks and, hence, it would be a good idea to keep away from such quarters. What this essentially suggests is the eventual goodwill that can come about or simply evade from the relevant settings, and which r emain significant within the due course of things as far as labor relations and the existence of the labor unions are concerned (Dworkin, 1988). The differing strategies, policies and practices more or less indicate where eventually the issues will arise and how those issues will be resolved in the future. If workers hold the opinion that it is for their own good to get involved with unions and have labor relations, then this suggests the mindset which has either developed whilst remaining within the organization or has come about with the passage of time. Then again, it is imperative to know where the eventual misgivings are and how these could be removed within the relevant scheme of things. Some employees would not quite appreciate the labor relations and unions, which will ultimately mean that they distance themselves from the ones who are more actively engaged within such labor unions. This means that there would be differences amongst the organizational domains, which is not s uch a good thing to have. Labor unions are still rampant within the United States and they bring to the fore the understanding that the American workplace employees require such a swift change within their professional domains. They believe it is their right to have these labor unions and labor

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Paper Proposal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Paper Proposal - Assignment Example The challenges begin right after birth, when members of the society expect the parents of the newly born baby to communicate the gender of the baby (Poisson 365). The society places a lot of undue attention, towards the gender of individuals, right from childhood. Two research questions are used in the study. First, do genderless individuals have adequate recognition in the society? Second, do genderless individuals possess capabilities and competencies needed for societal development? The two questions discuss the needs of genderless individuals in the society (Steensma et al 291). The primary data sources utilized in the research involves interviews and questionnaires. Parents will be given interview questions, to mainly determine if gender recognition plays a significant role in the development of their children (Hiffman & Hurst 205). Secondary sources will also be applied in the research to collect information. Textbooks, journal and magazines will be analyzed for information related to the areas of; gender differences, genderless individuals, role of gender in development, and scientific perspective towards gender differences and roles (Steensma et al

Monday, November 18, 2019

Labor Relations Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Labor Relations Project - Essay Example Unions are an essential part of the labor process. Union members are protected by strict laws that guard their legal rights for the salary, benefits and compensations. Another opportunity is to organize collective bargaining. It is the negotiation between an employer and a group of employees, determining the conditions of employment. The collective bargaining ends in a collective agreement or contract, in which the employees are represented as the members of a union or a labor organization. Since the agreement is achieved, its maintenance is observed by federal and state laws, judicial decisions and organizational agency regulation. The major law governing collective bargain is the National Labor Relations Act, originally enacted by Congress in 1935. Employees working under collective bargaining agreements are also covered and protected by the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, even if they are not union members. These acts guarantee legislative support to the emp loyees. In accordance with the NRLA a labor organization is selected to represent a unit of employees in collective bargaining. The employer has no right to interfere with this selection. The employer must bargain with the selected representative of the unit. There are certain employment laws as to the minimum salary, obligatory benefits and compensation to the employees in private sector. These are the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, the Family and Medical Leave Act, Employee Retirement Income Security Act, Employee Retirement Income Security Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, and some others. Being a member of a union or collective bargain, you are also entitled to all the protection against discharge (Cuomo 2007). Any proposals violating these laws cannot be included into the collective bargain. Moreover, in case the employee does not keep to the contract, the NLRA grants the members of a union or a collective

Friday, November 15, 2019

Construction Methodology Of Laying A Sewerage Pipes

Construction Methodology Of Laying A Sewerage Pipes Briefly explain with the aid of diagramme, the construction methodology of laying a sewerage pipes and describe the reasons of different bedding type for vitrified clay (rigid) pipes and ABS (flexible) pipes. Above: pipes should be laid with fall. Side: excavation of trench. Below: workers are placing the pipes in the trench. The first thing to construct drains is a ground plan of the site, showing the location of the whole of the sanitary appliances from which the wastewater to the position of the sewer. There are two methods of laying the pipes, first is by using the boning-rod and sight-rails. But the common way of working is by using an ordinary spirit level and a straight-edge. The construction methodology of laying sewerage pipes is first, the pipes should be laid in a straight line from point to point with a fall meaning at predetermined angle and a predetermined depth. Two feet must then be added for every fall. Next, excavation of trench need to be construct using an excavator so that working space and bedding around the pipes are allowed. Trench that are more than 1200mm depth must be properly shored up. The trench should be dug out from the site so that the pipes can be laid with a fall and the main tapped straight out from the building and should be at least 15 feet long so that a full length of pipe can be laid in the trench. The first pipe that needs to be laid first is the pipe from the curb to the main. The pipes must be placed between the curb and the main before the water is turned on. If there are any leaks, the pipes need to be repaired. Pipes should not be covered p until they are tested and approved for water-tightness. Beams are installed between the intervals to avoid landslide occurring at both sides of the trench excavation and to protect the underground pipes. In refilling the trench, sand or fine gravel should be placed in first and compactly around the pipe without disturbing the joint. Then, the trench will covered with good ashes or gravel. When the trench is refilled, concreting should be done and carried up minimum of half the height of the pipes, so that these may be securely bedded in it and also at least 6 inches thick all around. On the left: Bedding detail for rigid pipes (Clayware) Class B bedding On the right: Bedding detail for flexible pipes (Plastic) There are two types of bedding pipes that are for vitrified clay (rigid) pipes and ABS (flexible) pipes. The function of bedding is to cover the pipes from soil, large stones or other materials. Rigid pipe materials include clayware, concrete and cast iron while flexible pipe materials include plastics comprise those manufactured from PVC, polyethylene and polypropylene. The performance of each polymer is different depend on the pipe stiffness and the creep ratio. These different beddings require varying degrees of support to the pipe and the compaction of the material. It also depends on the type of pipe for permanent protection against mechanical damage. The bedding factor is the ratio of the failure load in a crushing machine. List down with explanation the contractor task in landscaping contract. In landscaping contract, a contractor has to performed many task in order to fulfill the costumerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s satisfaction. Their job is to design, plant, develop and maintain a clientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s landscaped area and their job range can be from local businesses to big urban companies. Some of the contractors work with residential clients in designing the gardens and parks on residential land while others work with governments and businesses to maintain current grassed areas and develop new areas. Design of landscape First, the contractor will have to find and meet up with the client. During the meeting they will discuss what type of garden that the client wants by discussing and sharing ideas of trees, flowers and also types of grass that would be suitable for the area. Some contractors will use computer-generated models, pictures and landscape blueprints to help the customers to examine and choose according to their desire. But the most important things during the meeting up with the client is to help the client easily understand on what type of plants that are suitable and are appropriate for the area and what type of plants that they should be avoided or not suitable to plant for the area. This is because sometimes the clients have unrealistic and impossible desires for certain plants that usually will not grow in that particular area, so it is responsible for the contractor to consult the clients and solve these issues. When the final plans of the landscape had been achieved by agreement fro m the contractor and client, the contractor then will start their construction work by coordinating the purchase of the plants as well as oversees the work. Construction of landscape After the designing of landscape has been done, the contractor will start purchasing the required plants for the growing area. They will be contracting with lots of suppliers and outside vendors to make sure that the project run smoothly and stay on schedule. Then, the contractors will transport the required plants from nursery to the site. The conditions of the plants need to be check and analyse during the delivering of the plants. Contractors also have to find suitable area placement for storing the soil fertilizers, plants and drainage material that will be used in the future. Before the installation of the specific plants, the planting area needs to be check for any discrepancies by removing any unwanted plants that cover the area. The construction of the area and gardens will be constructing by the contractors that will install the plants and tender the flowers, shrubs, trees, foliage and turf according to the requirement. When the installation of plants is finished, the new plants need to be take care by watering and tending the plants for a certain amount of time. The plants need enough of water in order to adapt to the new environment. The contractors also have to build retaining walls to prevent land slide, provide paved area and installed the irrigation systems which can control the spread out of water in the area so that it is even. By installing an irrigation system, all of the plants and trees will get enough of water. If the clients asked to install the fountains, rockery and the water features such as sprinklers in their garden, the contractors will then installed the water features. In aspects of indoor job, the hiring, supervising, training and firing of workers are also being done by the contractors including the leave for the workers. They also have to contact with the clients for invoicing and collecting fees for the landscaping job. Repair and remediation of landscape Usually the repairing and restoring the landscape that has been affected by the local conditions and subsidence or that requires new management due to neglect in taking care of the previous landscape is all done by the contractors. The contractors will be responsible for all renovation and remediation processes including the digging up existing plants, trees and flowers and re-installing back all the landscape materials with a new one. They also have to build up new additions to the landscape area to make an interesting view of landscape and installing new and fresh soil that contain high minerals to replace the old existing soil. Maintenance of landscape To maintain a landscape contractors use the same sorts of skill and tasks like remediation and repair. Contractors have to do lots of job such as terracing, turfing the area, prune trees, garden maintenance, lawn mowing, remove weeds, waste removal, maintaining sprinkler, concreting, maintaining flowers and dealing with any damage from disturbances such as flood and storms. Certain contractors had to remove hazards depend on their contracts. To maintain a landscape, the contractors usually construct a drainage system, construct landscape features such as garden beds and hardscape such as patios, walkways, driveways and pool decks to maintain the area. On top of that, contractors also have to set up the lighting for the external area which the lighting can provide a safe especially at night and be the source of light for outdoor areas. Maintaining the landscape is one part of work that needs to be performed by the contractors. Briefly explain three (3) influencing factors for road design. The three factors that most influenced the road design are the strength of sub-grade beneath the road, maintenance cost of the road and the numbers of traffics that uses the road. Strength of sub-grade The design of a road is influenced by the sub-grade support that is depending on the soil type, material density, temperature and moisture content. Sub-grade is the natural occurring ground at formation level which its homogeneity is important. Before a sub-grade is prepared, it is important to avoid hard and soft spots in sub-grade. When the sub-grade is suitable, it then can be compacted. It is important to recognize where the moisture may enter the sub-grade in order to control the moisture movement. This is because moisture tends to affect the sub-grade properties including load bearing capacity, shrinkage and swelling. Drainage, groundwater table and infiltration also can affect the moisture content in sub-grade which will result in excessively under load. The temperature of environment on sub-grade also affects the performance of road. Example: Asphalt becomes stiff and brittle at low temperatures while it is soft at higher temperatures. If the temperature is too high, permanent deformation in asphalt may occur. Sub-grade also must be able to support the loads that been transmitted from the pavement structure. The load bearing capacity is influenced by the degree of compaction, moisture content and type of soil. A good sub-grade is the one that can support a high amount of loading without excessive deformation. The strength of sub-grade also depends on the type of soil. Certain soils can shrink or swell depending on the moisture content. When this happen, soils with excessive fines content may be frost heave. Any road type constructed over the shrinkage, swelling and frost heave will tend to deform and crack. Maintenance cost The second factor that influenced the road design is the maintenance cost of road such as cost of improvements, effects of controlling or limiting right-of-way on abutting residential and commercial properties where channelization restricts vehicular movements. At the end of a certain period, the road will deteriorated to its failure condition which will then have to maintain back to restore its structural integrity and serviceability. The maintenance cost and life cycle cost depends on the type of pavement used. For rigid type of pavement such as concrete, the maintenance cost is low as it is can withstand huge amounts of loads while for flexible type of pavement such as tar macadam, the maintenance cost is high because it needs to resurfacing the layer every five years. But to install the rigid pavements require more labour, more time to harden and more complex compared to flexible pavements. The maintenance of road is necessarily because it can cause road accidents to users. Clean ing and emptying of gully pots, silt traps and manholes, jetting and cleaning sewers, road sweeping, litter removal and road verge landscape management have to consider also as it is under the maintenance cost. The operation and maintenance activities also part of maintenance cost. The inspection and monitoring, post inspection maintenance including litter and removal of debris, unplanned maintenance due to operational problems or pollution incidents must be considered. The labour, the plant and the material used to do the maintenance works must also be calculated. Numbers of traffic The third factor that influenced the road design is the numbers of traffic that used the road. The traffic consideration that must be considered is the design and actual capacities that the road can hold, the design-hour turning movements especially during peak hour or office hour, the size and operating characteristics of vehicle (the load of the vehicle), vehicle speeds, transit involvement and accident experience. If the road used is very frequent, the design of the road must be strong enough to hold large capacities of load. The size of the road also based on the numbers of traffic. If the road is usually used the size of the road have to be bigger to avoid jam. Briefly explain four (4) requirements of joints for cladding system. The four requirements of joints that are important for cladding system are weather resistance and are allowed for structural, thermal and moisture movement, good durability, easily maintained and easily made or assembled. Weather resistance The most important requirement of joint is it needs to resistance to wind pressure, rain and other nature elements such as heat, moisture, sound such as airborne and vandalism. It must sufficiently well to exhibit the persistent resistance to the elements. If we neglect the need for properly sealing the joint, there will be a water leakage in the building. Once the seal has lost its weather-proofing, the building will suffer water penetration into the building and the thermal insulation performance will decrease. Requirement of joints of cladding also must allowed movement of moisture so that the air in the building contains moisture and not too dry. High frequency thermal movement can affect the jointing of cladding system because the building materials can expand and contract due to the changing of temperature and humidity. It is best to use flexible joints in the cladding system where the joints will not be effected when the building materials expand and contract. It will control of the internal environment and the temperatures of the building. Example: Using gasket joints can prevent thermal heat from getting into the building, resistance to environmental attack, prevent fire from spread within the voids and insulate sound against airborne from external of the building and prevent it from transmitting to other parts of the building. Strength, stability and good durability The other requirement of joints for cladding system is strength, stability and durability. Strength of joint means that it able to support its own self weight between the building materials and to the structural frame. It does not require additional support from others. Stability of joint means that it can against and undergoes strong wind pressures and other environmental attack. It also can cater for frame movements which it allows differential movements between the joints, the structural frame and other building elements. The integration between vertical and horizontal frame elements is compatible. Durability of joints for cladding system means that it is maintenance free and has the ability to weather well. Easily maintained The joints for cladding system must be easily maintained so that maintenance workers can easily repaired and maintained the joints if there are defection in the joints. For gasket joint, the maintenance is complex because it uses air pressure to join the cladding and need skill labour to perform the task. Joints on surfaces that require painting need to allow for maintenance of the surface coating. Usually when the installation and repair is relatively simple, the maintenance required is high, requiring frequently treatment depending on the location of the elements to which it is exposed. Easily made or assembled Joints for cladding system must be easily made or assembled so that it can be easily obtained and it is not limited. Meaning the manufacturers easily and constantly produced the jointing and easily obtained in the market. The installation of the jointing also must simple so that the workers can easily install and can minimise the construction time. Example: Filled joint is the simplest of jointing compared to drained joint. Unlike gasket joint, it is more complex to install because it has difficulty in ensuring dimensional accuracy and control during manufacture and installation.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Power of Images Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Analytical Essay – The Power of Images I believe that pictures are able to capture a single moment, highlighting the important meaning behind every action presented. According to Mitchell Stephens’ â€Å"By Means of the Visible: A Picture’s Worth,† images possess â€Å"great power - religious, tribal, romantic, pedagogic† (479). Similarly, in Kenneth Brower’s â€Å"Photography in the Age of Falsification,† a picture of earthrise is described as having â€Å"poetic power, evoking sentiment† (564). When looking at pictures, whether in my photo album or a Life magazine, I discover that emotions are stirred by those pictures that hold the greatest number of feelings, from anguish to happiness, thus making them the most memorable. Through my analysis of my most compelling photographs and the essays of Stephens and Brower, I have concluded that each picture evokes a feeling inside of me, whether it is a photograph of a kiss, a family in the mist of the Depression, or my gran dfather. As I look up at my wall, I see the poster of the infamous â€Å"War’s End Kiss;† a picture of a sailor and a nurse kissing in the middle of Times Square at the end of World War Two. The feelings of joy, passion, and relief are evident as they engage in the passionate kiss. Looking at the photograph and analyzing their actions, I am able to feel the celebration of love and life. Love is so strongly expressed as the sailor wraps his arm around her and dips her as they kiss. The celebration of life is the most poignant emotion of the picture. Because the picture is set directly in the middle of Times Square, it holds the definition of America in one of our most profound cities. As other men of honor and passers-by walk by, it is clear from the expressions of their f... ...oment of life. When a moment is captured, it defines the meaning of the purpose of the events. Every picture, whether it is a passionate kiss, a poverty-stricken family during the Depression era, or the look of sorrow on my grandfather’s face, ignites its own sentiment. Although, according to Stephens, â€Å"These images, are intended to take the place of words† (476), I believe that the feelings that pictures evoke are, without a doubt, more intense than words. Works Cited Brower, Kenneth. â€Å"Photography in the Age of Falsification.† The Presence of Others. 3rd ed. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2000. 554-573. Stephens, Mitchell. â€Å"By Means of the Visible: A Picture’s Worth.† The Presence of Others. 3rd ed. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2000. 473-486.